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Get Into Penn,
You're only a Step Away! 

Penn Author:
Alumnae, Class of 2006

Current Ivy League students use their experience and their success to tell you how to target your application for each school.  With sample essays, analysis, topics to focus on, and what not to, our Penn author uses her experience of fellow students to tell it all.

“Above anything else, Penn is looking for diversity - and not simply the color of your skin... Obviously, to get into Penn, you need high test scores... One of the most valuable pieces of information that I can give you is...

Our University of Pennsylvania author uses her experience to analyze the student body and reveal to you what you should do to prepare your essay and application for Penn.  If you think applications to the top schools are guesswork and luck, then you are preparing for failure.

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You won't find this information anywhere else!

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